Charitable State Registration Fees vs Population

Here is a list of the charitable state registration fees for charities and state population numbers. This can be used to help determine in which states it makes financial sense to register solicit contributions. If you need help with your registrations or deciding where to register, please email us at or call us at 844-863-0915. We can suggest states to register in and file your charitable state registrations for you.

StateCheck AmountPopulation/font>
Alabama25 4,447,100 (1.58%) 
Alaska40 626,932 (0.22%) 
Arkansas3,004,120 (1.07%)
California25 Initial; Up to 300 renewal33,871,648 (12.04%) 
Colorado10 4,301,261 (1.53%) 
Connecticut50 3,405,565 (1.21%) 
District of Columbia$492 biennially 572,059 (0.20%) 
Floridasliding scale up to 400 15,982,378 (5.68%) 
Georgia35 initial; 20 renewal 8,186,453 (2.91%) 
Illinois15 12,419,293 (4.41%) 
Kansas35 2,688,418 (0.96%) 
Louisiana25 4,468,976 (1.59%) 
Maine50 Initial; 25 renewal 1,274,923 (0.45%) 
Marylandsliding scale up to 300 5,296,486 (1.88%) 
Massachusetts150 Initial; tp to 2000 renewal 6,349,097 (2.26%)  
Minnesota25 4,919,479 (1.75%) 
Mississippi53 2,844,658 (1.01%) 
Missouri15 5,595,211 (1.99%) 
Nevada2,998,000 (0.99%) 
New Hampshire25 initial; 75 renewal 1,235,786 (0.44%)  
New JerseyUp to 250 depending on receipts 8,414,350 (2.99%) 
New Yorkup to 25 18,976,457 (6.74%) 
North Carolinaup to 200 8,049,313 (2.86%) 
North Dakota75 initial; 20 annual 642,200 (0.23%) 
Ohioup to 200 depending on Ohio receipts 11,353,140 (4.03%)  
OklahomaUp to 65 3,450,654 (1.23%) 
OregonUp to 200 depending on Oregon receipts 3,421,399 (1.22%) 
Pennsylvaniaup to 250 depending on receipts 12,281,054 (4.36%) 
Rhode Island90 1,048,319 (0.37%)  
South Carolina50 4,012,012 (1.43%) 
Tennesseeup to 240 depending on receipts 5,689,283 (2.02%) 
Texas150-250 depending on receipts Attorney General 
Utah75 2,233,169 (0.79%)  
Virginiaup to 325 depending on receipts 7,078,515 (2.52%)  
Washington60 initial; 40 annual 5,894,121 (2.09%) 
West Virginia50 1,808,344 (0.64%) 
Wisconsin15 initial, 54 renewal 5,363,675 (1.91%)