Licensing for Cause Marketing Commercial Co-Venturers - Labyrinth, Inc.

Licensing for Cause Marketing Commercial Co-Venturers

State of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania’s New Annual Report Filing Requirement
March 10, 2023
New Mexico and Mississippi Ease Audit Requirements
June 2, 2023

Licensing for Cause Marketing Commercial Co-Venturers

    March 22, 2023

    50-State Cause Marketing Registration Guide

    Organizations running cause marketing campaigns must generally meet registration and reporting requirements wherever their campaigns are active. This guide details the requirements to help you launch your commercial co-venture with confidence.

    Licensing Filing Requirements Chart for Cause Marketing Commercial Co-Venturers

    The following table details state licensing requirements for cause marketing commercial co-venturers throughout the United States.

    In Alaska, Airzona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, Commercial Co-venturer licensure is not required on the State level. These states do not currently have a traditional registration requirement for commercial co-venturers, but they may need to follow other regulations before and after fundraising events.

    Agency Initial Application License Renewal
    Alabama Alabama Attorney General – Consumer Interest Division
    Fee: $100
    Filing Method: Online is the easiest and fastest way. There is a legacy paper form that requires the applicant to notarize and mail. When filing by paper, state processing takes much longer (on the order of several weeks).
    Due: Annually by September 30.
    California California Attorney General – Registry of Charitable Trusts
    Fee: $500
    Filing Method: Mail
    Fee: $500
    Filing Method: Paper
    Due: Annually by January 15
    Massachusetts Massachusetts Attorney General – Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities Division
    Fee: $200
    Filing Method: Mail
    Due: Annually by December 31
    Mississippi Mississippi Secretary of State – Charities Division
    Fee: $0
    Form: Notice of Charitable Sales Promotion
    Filing Method: Online
    New York
    Commercial Co-venturer licensure is not required on the State level in New York
    • New York does not currently have a traditional registration requirement for commercial co-venturers, but they may need to follow other regulations before and after fundraising events.
    • Every contract entered into with a charity must contain, in a conspicuous typeface:
      • A concise, accurate statement of the charitable organization’s right to cancel;
      • A concise, accurate statement of the period during which the contract may be canceled;
      • The address to which the notice of cancellation is to be sent;
      • The address of the attorney general to which a duplicate of the notice of cancellation is to be sent; and
      • A clear statement of the financial arrangement including, if applicable, a statement of the percentage of the total funds collected on behalf of the charitable organization which shall be paid to the professional fundraiser or any other person for purposes other than the exclusive benefit of the charitable organization.
    South Carolina South Carolina Secretary of State – Division of Public Charities
    Fee: $50
    Filing Method: Online
    Fee: $50
    Filing Method: Online
    Due: Annually

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