What is the Uniform Registration Statement?
The Uniform Registration Statement (URS) was an attempt by the National Association of State Charities Officials (NASCO) and the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) to develop a single charitable registration form that nonprofits could use to file in all states. The initial version of the URS form was released in March of 1997, with version 2.0 released in November 1998. Unfortunately, some states do not accept the Uniform Registration Statement. Other states that do accept the URS, generally require nonprofits to complete state-specific supplemental forms. The URS form, instructions, and required state attachments are far longer than the state registration forms. Additionally, many states now require online charitable registration through a state-specific portal, further reducing the value of using the unified charitable registration statement.
If your organization would like to register to solicit contributions, we can help. We will file your state charitable registrations, file your extensions, set up registered agent service where needed, and follow up with the states to ensure that you are properly registered. If you would like to find out more about our charity registration services, email us or call us at 888-532-0723.