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December 6, 2022State Agencies Experience Ongoing Filing Delays

State Agencies Experience Ongoing Filing Delays
State agencies are continuing to experience significant delays in filing processing times.
Burdened by the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including limited in-person staff, secretary of state offices have struggled to maintain pre-pandemic turnaround times for filings.
Here is a list of some of the regular processing delays we are tracking:
Secretary of State Filing Delays
- Delaware
- 2-3 months behind on regular processing times
- 1-2 days behind on 24-hour filings
- Maine
- 25-30 business days behind on regular processing times
- Missouri
- 4-week processing
- New York
- 8-9-month processing
- Pennsylvania
- 2 weeks behind on regular processing times
Licensing Filing Delays
- Illinois
- 12-month processing time for charity registrations
- New Jersey
- 5 months behind on regular processing time for engineering firm licenses
- New York
- 9-12-month processing time for engineering firm licenses
State delays and closures happen regularly. At Labyrinth, Inc., we work with secretary of state offices and licensing agencies to monitor current processing times. We offer a variety of compliance solutions and the ability to expedite filings whenever possible. We encourage organizations to take a proactive view of state compliance and factor government agency processing times into their plans.
Please contact us for help with your compliance.
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